The ten episodes chronicle their 1943 mission to liberate the Belgian town of Bastogne, and reveal the story behind their heroic role in the pivotal Battle of the Bulge.
The production team travels back to those dramatic days with some of the paratroopers from the original mission. In the series, they remember their personal feelings about that fateful time, recount the fates of those who didn't survive and explain the emotional toll of this extraordinary period in their lives.
Bastogne is the story of a mission, as three Army sergeants, a Navy ensign, an Air Force colonel and their men - some more reluctant than others - attempt to capture a crossroads of the war and take down a Nazi fortress known as the Eagle's Nest. The mission was led by Lt. Col. Robert Sink, a relentless, no-nonsense commander who would become a legend among his men.
In the HBO miniseries, Col. Sink assembles the 101st Airborne Division for a mission to liberate the town of Bastogne and his men experience a variety of hardships from freezing weather and German gunfire, to nervous anticipation for a mission to liberate Belgium's historic town. Throughout the nine-hour series, the men of the 101st ride for the Bastogne Battlefield, experiencing torture at the hands of the Nazis, and meeting the resistance fighters who would eventually give their lives to help the Allies win the war.
During the opening shots, they first hear the voice of Colonel Sink, who's heard in the recording: "I am speaking to you from the Eagle's Nest. This is your headquarters. We are preparing to take this thing."
Colonel Robert Sink (Richard Schiff) is the first of the paratroopers to speak as the drama begins, narrating his thoughts as he is with his men in the command post.
Shiff, best known for his role as Captain Zack in "WarGames," plays Colonel Sink, a man who takes over as the commanding officer of the 101st Airborne Division in 1944, a division that has been decimated by terrible losses.
In "Bastogne," the sequence begins with a close-up of Colonel Sink as he speaks from atop the Eagle's Nest, the 18,000-foot mountain where the German troops hold the historic fortress in the Battle of the Bulge. As the American forces attack to take the ground, the German troops on the mountaintop
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